Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156641-156660 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250paycargoRuby wrapper library for Paycargo's API.
68,6250monkey_formsHelps make complex forms
68,6250opsaA simple systems operation robot
68,6250marc2solrGiven a file of MARC records, send them to Sorl for indexing based on a set of MARCSpecs
68,6250hola-dongshengA simple hello world gem
68,6250isbm_adaptorISBM Adaptor provides a Ruby API for the OpenO&M ws-ISBM specification
68,6250namedargumentsThe author was too lazy to write a description
68,6250jeremydurham-integrity-campfireEasily let Integrity alert Campfire after each build
68,6250history_fileA File like class that supports versioning by date and has a fallback to older files
68,6250runtime_infoGetting information about the current Ruby environment can be a bit arcane. Lots of sol...
68,6250mv-testContains macros / matchers for database behavious testing
68,6250words-wordnetWords, with both pure ruby & tokyo-cabinate backends, implements a fast interface to Wo...
68,6250jeremyevans-simple_mailerSimple email library with testing support
68,6250objectified_environmentsExposes your Rails.env as an object you can invoke methods on, use inheritance to struc...
68,6250meditationsIt takes the book called Meditations by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius and splits it...
68,6250old_yellerbarks out strings
68,6250cupcakeScript the MakerBot 3D Printer
68,6250historical_societyCurrently offers soft deletion, and a default scope that excludes 'deleted' records
68,6250spree_print_invoicePrint invoices from a spree order
68,6250flf_creatorHelper for building fixed length files