Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158061-158080 of all 180,454 gems.
136,3772data_classificationBy leveraging smart comments in your schema, you can easily use this data throughout yo...
136,3772timeshitKicks ass and chews bubblegum
136,3772homeopathyHomeopathy gem does nothing. That's the point.
136,3772translationApiClientThis gem maps to the translation swagger API
136,3772zip_geo_jpConvert Japanese zip code to coordinates.
136,3772outreach-ruby_style_guideA simple hello world gem
136,3772acts_as_rateableActs_as_rateable is a rails plugin providing a rating interface for ActiveRecord models.
136,3772randomtestA simple hello world gem
136,3772lfittl-feedbagRuby's favorite feed auto-discoverty tool
136,3772neovintage-dm-mysqlPlugin for fine grain MySQL options in DataMapper
136,3772codeblockRead a block of code from a working code file and format it.
136,3772sprout-as3httpclient-src-libraryAS3 HTTP Client Library for Flex as a Gem
136,3772tribes_icddisease management package according to World Health Organization.
136,3772fs-watchScript to watch files and directories for changes and execute a command. (OSX Only) ...
136,3772rails_kindeditor-plusrails_kindeditor will helps your rails app integrate with kindeditor, including images ...
136,3772coderwall_rubySimple wrapper around Coderwall User API
136,3772pronto-terraform_formatA pronto runner for Terraform.
136,3772willey_machineHippo that is the color purple
136,3772netguru-aasmAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...