Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180421-180440 of all 180,534 gems.
142,2090goodbye_chatworkThis is Chatwork(chatwork.com) log exporter. This can be used also when you can not use...
142,2090middleman-markdown-yaml-front-matterWrap YAML frontmatter in Markdown files in a Markdown-style fenced code blocks.
142,2090goncalossilva-kaltura_fuRails gem for making Kaltura integrations easier.
142,2090meetup_apiAs presented in our URUG downtown meetup at http://www.meetup.com/DRUG-Downtown-Ruby-Us...
142,2090mondidoLibrary for making payments with Mondido, visit https://mondido.com to sign up for an a...
142,2090heroku_rake_tasksRake tasks to manage an Heroku Application (Deploy tasks, DB tasks, ...)
142,2090lotus-validationsValidations mixin for Ruby objects and support for Lotus
142,2090geocoder-kbProvides object geocoding (by street or IP address), reverse geocoding (coordinates to ...
142,2090hulu-automuterAuto-mute Hulu commericials
142,2090kyoto_yumiRuby on Rails learning.
142,2090hello_tvszeA simple hello world gem
142,2090lardawge-rfmRfm brings your FileMaker data to Ruby. Now your Ruby scripts and Rails applications ca...
142,2090fuzejoin files together
142,2090moneypools-wheneverClean ruby syntax for defining and deploying messy cron jobs.
142,2090filipegiusti-twitter4rA clean Twitter client API in pure Ruby. Will include Twitter add-ons also in Ruby.
142,2090Fingertips-formatter-sanSimple plugin to generate a formatter decorator for ActiveRecord attributes.
142,2090Flamefork-juggernautSee Plugin README: http://juggernaut.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk/juggernaut/README
142,2090Floppy-rubymarksA Ruby gem (and Rails plugin) which generates URLs for social bookmarking services
142,2090fnando-recurrenceA simple library to handle recurring events
142,2090freelancing-god-thinking-sphinxA concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...