Daily Downloads Ranking
Most downloads last day.
180421-180440 of all 183,653 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
59,491 | 0 | logstash-input-azuretopicthreadable | This gem is a Logstash plugin. It reads messages from Azure Service Bus Topics using mu... |
59,491 | 0 | cloudgov-style | The global style of cloud.gov |
59,491 | 0 | caldecott | Caldecott HTTP/Websocket Tunneling Library |
59,491 | 0 | Oshuma-pingfm | Ping.fm (http://ping.fm) is a simple service that makes updating your social networks a... |
59,491 | 0 | iterationlabs-my_obfuscate | Standalone Ruby code for the selective rewriting of MySQL dumps in order to protect use... |
59,491 | 0 | omniauth-rescuetime | OmniAuth strategy for RescueTime |
59,491 | 0 | devise_token_auth_skycocker_fork | For use with client side single page apps such as the venerable https://github.com/lynn... |
59,491 | 0 | therealrodk_palindrome | Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector |
59,491 | 0 | outoftime-sunspot_rails | Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library |
59,491 | 0 | dkastner-rocco | Docco in Ruby |
59,491 | 0 | form_errors | Clean up form error reporting in Rails with a nice little view helper. <%= display_e... |
59,491 | 0 | goblin_lackey | Goblin Lackey does whatever the f*%@ I tell him to |
59,491 | 0 | win | Rubyesque interfaces and wrappers for Windows API functions pre-defined using FFI |
59,491 | 0 | ablerc | Provides cascading configuration files and helpers for generating configuration stubs. |
59,491 | 0 | dbarison_curriculum | Curriculm Vitae of Davide Barison |
59,491 | 0 | pdf_ravager | JRuby-only DSL for filling out AcroForms PDF and XFA documents |
59,491 | 0 | capcode-base-couch_foo | Capcode plugin to access CouchDB via couch_foo |
59,491 | 0 | insight_rails | Customer Support and Knowledge Base |
59,491 | 0 | penfold | Penfold is an assistant for screening potentital and tracking current covered call pos... |
59,491 | 0 | activeldap3 | working towards getting active ldap to work on rails 3 |