Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
161261-161280 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910openvpn_managementopenvpn_management is a ruby gem for openVPN (server) management interface interaction.
121,9910kireikireiFormat JSON under current dir with dead simple command
121,9910mod_commPrivate methods for ruby module common use
121,9910hola_mohumohuA simple hell world gem
121,9910ipc_transitBrokerless Message Queue
121,9910jwtgenCLI for generating Json Web Tokens (JWT's). CLI takes multiple key value pairs as input...
121,9910governor_backgroundA middle-tier plugin for the Rails 3-based Governor blogging system, allowing you to ti...
121,9910hiera-eyaml-plaintextPlaintext encryptor for use with hiera-eyaml
121,9910poloapiProvides a wrapper for poloniex.com api. It allows to programmaticaly trade cryptocurre...
121,9910malloryMan-in-the-middle http/https transparent http (CONNECT) proxy over bunch of (unreliable...
121,9910mail_address_verifierRuby Gem for mailaddress verification
121,9910gm-luosimaoa warpper of luosimao send message
121,9910openaccess-apcThis gem integrates with the Pure CRIS to streamline the process of applying for fundin...
121,9910gawkPrint Google Analytics reports inside your terminal
121,9910opengl-registryParses the Khronos OpenGL registry into a standardized and user-friendly data structure...
121,9910gem_lessonI use this gem to teach about gems and contributing to open source.
121,9910jeniA simple alternative to rubigen and thor that can be used to create a post-install scri...
121,9910method_decoratorProvides a way to dynamically override methods without losing original behavior
121,9910json_objectA simple Ruby library for converting JSON objects into Ruby classes.