Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
161181-161200 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171chefkitchen_cliRuby script to talk to chefkitchen web services.
147,2171super_modelThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171atkhayar-spree-dev-apiSpree's API
147,2171tfe-authlogic_openidAuthlogic OpenID is an extension of the Authlogic library to add OpenID support.
147,2171subaruRESTful API to industrial web relays
147,2171active_record_string_encryptionGenerates encrypt_string type that transparently encrypt and decrypt string value to Ac...
147,2171canvas-blueprint-toolcanvas-blueprint-tool is a tool for associating and publishing courses on the Canvas LMS
147,2171twitestShow Twitter Engagement.
147,2171currencyConveuro to dollar
147,2171plplotProvides PLplot functions in a Ruby module. PLplot is a cross-platform software packag...
147,2171voteable_marcusThe best voting gem ever.
147,2171uplrUploads the specified file to the given server. Progress is shown via system notificati...
147,2171yuntongxunRuby SDK for www.yuntongxun.com
147,2171dispatch_queue_rbDispatchQueueRb is a pure ruby implementation of Grand Central Dispatch concurrency pri...
147,2171RuBoxesthis tool draw colorized blocks
147,2171adocAwesome Rubygem docs
147,2171beanstalkappjeroenbOfficial wrapper for Beanstalk API.