Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
163161-163180 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850sshingler-calaisA Ruby interface to the Calais Web Service
157,4850zalk_servicesRuby wrapper for internal Zalk services
157,4850word_censoredCensored all badword from available blacklist
157,4850velociractorTo be used in the future
157,4850uni-sdkThe official Unimatrix SDK for Ruby, provides convenient access to integrate communicat...
157,4850yaml-sugarRead yaml files recursively from a given directory and return an OpenStruct
157,4850wrapper_basedWrapper Based DCI framework for OOP done right.
157,4850static_watcherWatches for changes and compiles Haml, Sass, Scss, and Coffeescript
157,4850yukichiYukichi is a Gem of money. Now I can only separate them with commas every 3 digits, but...
157,4850unicorn-configurator_from_envSet configration from ENV
157,4850ton-sdk-ruby-smcGem Ton SDK Ruby for all TVM ruby projects
157,4850tester_std_libTest program interface drivers for the Origen tester standard library
157,4850x86disRuby wrapper for libdisasm, an x86 disassembly library
157,4850wda_libA simple ruby lib of binding methods for WebDriverAgent
157,4850tim_wins_2020_trump_catches_ronaVote 2020
157,4850trackchangeTrack change of websites
157,4850text_classifierText classification of a new document using multinomial naive bayes
157,4850sugarcssThe goal of Sugar is certainly not to tells you how to organize your project. It's just...
157,4850sydecarRuby bindings for the Sydecar API.
157,4850ssoroka-delayed_jobDelated_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...