Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
163081-163100 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920cmonWrite a simple monitoring script to be executed by cron, using an rspec-like assertion ...
95,5920jamesottawayI am a gem!
95,5920dirdiffdescription of gem
95,5920http_monkeyA fluent interface to do HTTP calls, free of fat dependencies and at same time, powered...
95,5920conversationsConversations is a messaging system that enables users of devise-based Rails applicatio...
95,5920dkvA simple dynamodb-based key value command line client.
95,5920rstA command line client for rstat.us
95,5920hola_DerikA simple hello world gem
95,5920gray_loggerGrayLogger is a middleware for Rack to easily log custom stuff to Graylog2
95,5920radiant-reader_group-extensionAdds group-based page access control to radiant.
95,5920feedgenerated feed thrift codes.
95,5920cxxproject_gcovcreate gcvo files after a run
95,5920grape-libratolibrato metrics for grape
95,5920cap-git-tagsThis is a capistrano 3 plugin for auto tagging your git deploys.
95,5920getimgRuby bindings for getimg.ai, APIs can be found here: https://docs.getimg.ai
95,5920ruby_phpipamRuby wrapper for the phpipam API
95,5920compass-vikingR-templateA Compass implementation of Sergii Rudchyk's template
95,5920ruby-ncrackA Ruby interface to Ncrack, Network authentication cracking tool.
95,5920sgeorgi-loggingLogging is a flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based on the design of J...
95,5920hoptoadrUnofficial Hoptoad API in Ruby