Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
165961-165980 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700minitest-predicatesAdds support for .predicate? methods to MiniTest (via method_missing)
38,9700validates_uri_format_ofRails plugin that provides a validates_uri_format_of method to ActiveRecord models. URL...
38,9700soar_thread_workerThread Worker for SOAR architecture providing basic thread operations
38,9700remote-sessionThis gem uses Net::SSH to create a connection and allow command execution over it. Run ...
38,9700layercakeLayerCake is a simple gem that allows you to specify more than one cache store in rails...
38,9700abrioClient ruby para o encurtador http://abr.io
38,9700very_nifty_generatorsRails 3 nifty generators, based on efforts by ryanb and dvyjones
38,9700jarebear_copyright_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
38,9700mem_modelMemModel persists Ruby objects using MagLev as a data storage engine. It's an ActiveMod...
38,9700i81nI81n aims that make I18n easy to use.
38,9700absentee_camperMonitors a Campfire room for @mentions, and emails the @mentioned user with the message...
38,9700lambda-shCreated as a starter project by Safin Singh, Lambda is a beautiful, customized, and cro...
38,9700nexterWhat is Nexter ? A misspelled tv show or a killer feature ? Almost : it wraps your mode...
38,9700shanep-classJekyll theme for a class hosted on github pages
38,9700absa-notify-meThis is just a rapidly prototyped proof of concept gem for bankserv gem and those ...
38,9700chef-sensu-handlerAn exception handler for OpsCode Chef which creates Sensu alerts
38,9700katipo-markup-htmlKatipo is a web framework
38,9700cloudwatch-metrics-linuxSend meminfo and loadavg to CloudWatch Metrics