Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166041-166060 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800pdf_rendersimple render pdf in the rails view
102,5800ajax_renderRails plugin to render partial view by ajax
102,5800zendesk_test_gemRuby gem test
102,5800ruby_gem_exruby gem creation practice
102,5800rich_bitchChanges all s's in your text to money signs ($).
102,5800surveymonkey-omniauthSurvemonkey OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
102,5800api_validatorRubyGem for API validation. Here you need to set rules and messages in yml, rest of the...
102,5800osbcOuterspace Web Blockchain Framework implementation in Ruby using Rails, Docker and Fire...
102,5800tulirbRobust technical analysis indicator library for Ruby. Build tools for financial tr...
102,5800redmine_prefix_issue_with_authorSimple Redmine plugin that will convert an issue named like 'This is a bug' into 'Autho...
102,5800ruby-glfwGLFW library bindings for Ruby
102,5800my_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
102,5800vice-editorvi-like text editor
102,5800visionmedia-growlgrowlnotify bindings
102,5800wresque_wrapperAllows inline queueing of model methods to Resque, e.g. MyModel.delay.some_method, or s...
102,5800taboo_reactive_searchtaboo reactive search to solve travelling salesman
102,5800r5Anyone can use it for inspiration
102,5800osdn-cliNon-intaractive manipulation tool for OSDN
102,5800acts_as_uuidAllows ActiveRecord to use (native) UUIDs, even as primary keys. Currently only works w...
102,5800theoremsimple and extensible test library toolkit