Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166121-166140 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300runscope_statuspageGet test data from RunScope and easily report incidents to StatusPage.io, all with one ...
85,4300sortvizVisualize sorting algorithms with Ruby and Curses lib
85,4300method_loggerGem that logs all method calls in your class
85,4300seedsterEasily load real application content for local development
85,4300situationThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
85,4300settings-treeThis gem offers you a convenient settings structure for parameterizing your application...
85,4300net-smtp-headersThis gem provides smtp header logging for debug.
85,4300github-audit-logsCreate a local SQLite copy of your organizations Github audit logs
85,4300mechanize-cookie_storeA Mechanize extension that allows cookies to be saved in more advanced stores than seri...
85,4300messagemedia_lookups_sdkThe MessageMedia Lookups API provides a number of endpoints for validating the phone nu...
85,4300hippa-enumHeavily inspired by DDH's ActiveRecord::Enum, this little library is there to help you ...
85,4300indifferenceFor when you just need `with_indifferent_access`. Stolen 100% from ActiveSupport.
85,4300jaf-s3Like the main version of this gem, this version is 100% unsupported. Use at your own ri...
85,4300grape-resourcesGrape resources provides the initial scaffolding for a model in a Grape api object, thi...
85,4300sqsc-keycloak-rubyFork of https://github.com/imagov/keycloak for Squarescale needs
85,4300polymorphic_selectRails 3.1 Polymorphic Select view helpers and model support
85,4300rack_konamiMixes the Konami code + JQuery to add Konami code effects to your app
85,4300glowing-archercollection of frequently used core extensions for ruby-on-rails
85,4300nesta-plugin-subpagesPlugin that adds index page subpages methods and helpers
85,4300rubyquestThe game development is still in its early days, the main goal is to provide a simple f...