Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168641-168660 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051radiant-clipped_asset_roles-extensionAdds new scoping levels for assets, e.g. a 'portfolio' role for images.
103,2051yard-structyard-struct allows users to document their classes created through Struct.new using a s...
103,2051zlogsSimple gem for global logging for app
103,2051mr-sparkleThis gem contains a script to start a Unicorn-based server for your Rack application th...
103,2051omniauth-suitefmSuite FM strategy for OmniAuth
103,2051lockpickpulls ssh public keys from GitHub and populates authorized_keys
103,2051rail_chaserA tool to determine the the minimum set of specs to run based on dependency analysis
103,2051localdnsresolverTo fully and easy run a local Drupal development system you need more then just a docke...
103,2051git-tripVisualize git commit SHAs. It's nerd acid!
103,2051httpi-adapter-openssl_gostIt uses OpenSSL `s_client` command to securely connect with server that requires usage ...
103,2051mosta-raramorphRaramorph is a ruby gem for making morphological analysis and arabic indexing built usi...
103,2051pdf_tempuraA gem for overlaying text and other fields onto PDF templates using Prawn.
103,2051materialized_viewsConvenience methods to help with updating materialized views
103,2051remotelyRemote API based model associations.
103,2051webpacker_toppingsWebpackerToppings provides helpers for Webpacker
103,2051google-apis-rapidmigrationassessment_v1This is the simple REST client for Rapid Migration Assessment API V1. Simple REST clien...
103,2051memoized_inflectors_railsA Rails wrapper for the memoized_inflectors gem.
103,2051voteable_aaron86A gem to make voting for posts or pictures etc.
103,2051warm_cloudfrontWarms up your CloudFront cache
103,2051LMG_modbusUseful set of test automation classes for bulk polling and bulk writing modbus registers