Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168561-168580 of all 180,534 gems.
142,2090git_utilsA gem that provides simple git & gem utility scripts.
142,2090lever_postingsRuby library for accessing Lever.co's Postings API
142,2090metriks-addonsOpenTSDB, SignalFX and DatadogApi reporter for Metriks.
142,2090joshnabbott-active-record-versionableMakes version controlling ActiveRecord model data easy and powerful.
142,2090getlocalThis is a in house tool developed by Palringo to help interface with the GetLocaization...
142,2090joshnabbott-desertDesert is a component framework for Rails that allows your plugins to be packaged as mi...
142,2090milkfarm-onixA fork of the original onix gem by James Healy. Differs from original mainly in it's ad...
142,2090giasA Ruby gem that provides an interface to the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) CSV d...
142,2090garmin-fitPublished as a gem by [email protected]
142,2090meal_budget_plannerMeal Budgeting based on Meal Type (vegan, vegeterians and none) and Budget plan(daily w...
142,2090md_splitterParses md docs for split markers and produces multiple html files and a json manifest
142,2090jpbougie-couchrestCouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as ...
142,2090graph2relationalConverts a Neo4J graph database to a supported RDBMS database automatically generating ...
142,2090jphastings-unrarPure ruby implementation of RarLabs' Unrar software. Doesn't yet support encryption or ...
142,2090isprimeKMA simple gem
142,2090jpoz-sinatra-recaptchaSimple, easy way to implement recaptcha for Sinatra
142,2090jalmquist_palindromeLearn enough ruby palindrome detector
142,2090gameoverseer-clientLibrary for easily communicating with a GameOverseer server.
142,2090graphql_clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.