Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168981-169000 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380ruby-vnpayRuby gem for VNPay integration
89,5380phiCommand line function to output the Philosophy Index of a Wikipedia article.
89,5380opposition-themeTheme for BBTV's Opposition Website
89,5380mixonic-seed-fuSeed Fu is an attempt to once and for all solve the problem of inserting and maintainin...
89,5380hola_rahulRails is beauty
89,5380mixtli-mixtli-fredFederal Reserve API
89,5380just4testjust for test
89,5380paulstarkebaum_palindromeLearn enough ruby palindrome detector
89,5380kotek-authPet gem
89,5380mlangenberg-merb_xmppA plugin for the Merb framework that allows you to send XMPP/Jabber notifications from ...
89,5380mleung-koujouKoujou is a fixture replacement that requires no effort to use. You don't have to defin...
89,5380go_to_paramRails "go_to" redirection param utilities.
89,5380smart_filterExtend Active Record to provide a smart filter function.
89,5380reneedv_gem_teststill playing with Jeweler
89,5380discothequeAdds functionality to your application for node discovery using Amazon EC2
89,5380ruby-unfollowAutomatically find unfollower and inactive user to unfollow
89,5380silicon_prairie_eventsEvent scraper which collects information from several calendars in the Silicon Prairie.
89,5380increment_semverA gem to increment a version number following the Semantic Versioning scheme
89,5380jocelynTools to slightly randomise a list.
89,5380piculetPiculet is a tool to manage EC2 Security Group. It defines the state of EC2 Security Gr...