Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172681-172700 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700pakyow-testTest helpers for Pakyow
38,9700panesA ruby gem for MacAdmins to help manage access to System Preference Panes. Easily enabl...
38,9700rzmanThis CLI gem will get the halakhic zmanium for either today or for a date the user spec...
38,9700spectat-jekyllOpinionated Jekyll + Capistrano configuration for Spectat Designs sites
38,9700lime_light_platformOfficial Lime Light eCommerce Platform API Ruby Gem (In Development)
38,9700voom-presentersPresenters Gem.
38,9700formgemSimple ruby gem that helps you creating your html forms
38,9700ruby_snooperPoor man's debugger heavily inspired by PySnooper
38,9700station_signageDisplay controller and action names on Rails apps using notifications.
38,9700HelloRubyA simple hello world gem
38,9700phone_number_converterEasily convert phone number from global to domestic, or vice versa. Require Ruby >= 2.1.
38,9700vagrant-vmckEnables Vagrant to use Vmck jobs.
38,9700autopilot-railsWith Autopilot for Rails you can generate a starting point for your next SaaS project. ...
38,9700copies_omniauthUtility for copying information from OmniAuth into other models
38,9700nested_resource_urlThe gem will add some helpers to controllers and view to automatically create nested urls
38,9700query_string_interfaceThis gem extracts params given as a hash to structured data, that can be used when crea...
38,9700webinkformsA form processing extension for webink
38,9700jmoses_event_busevent_bus provides support for application-wide events, without coupling the publishing...
38,9700vitat-cssLib css para uso nos projetos em ruby da Vitat
38,9700rungsGem for messing around with https://github.com/alexkroman/word-ladder