Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
173461-173480 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700phcdevworks_titleseoStandardize your website's look and feel with PHCDevworks' Rails view helpers. Our help...
38,9700cryptopiaCryptopia wrapper api
38,9700aesthetifyaesthetify is a gem that lets you transform ASCII text into fullwidth text of 2 distinc...
38,9700ani_tino"Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications."
38,9700fluent-plugin-redis-store-gabflRedis(zset/set/list/string/publish) output plugin for Fluentd...
38,9700livr2Language Independent Validation Rules
38,9700apigenA simple DSL to generate OpenAPI and/or JSON Schema definitions in Ruby.
38,9700embulk-output-mongodb_nestDumps records to Mongodb with subdocument
38,9700bemer-actionview_formAdd the BEM methodology to your ActionView forms.
38,9700genome-rbruby library to read genome data
38,9700j1_paginatorAn enhanced zero-configuration in-place replacement for the now decomissioned built-in ...
38,9700twumperWrite a longer description or delete this line.
38,9700neo_grubyLittle ruby framework to works with GRPC
38,9700wtexWTeX converts blended source written both in Wiki and TeX into a valid LaTeX source. Al...
38,9700sayInspiried by the g gem releaed by jugyo and the need to shout QA Deploy!!!
38,9700gerablogWrite posts in Markdown, publish a static blog in HTML
38,9700hash-as-treeA refinements for Hash to use it as a tree.
38,9700textmarksSimple gem to communicate with the textmarks.com json API
38,9700boolean_simplifierSimplify boolean expressions
38,9700io_unblockNon-blocking IO reads/writes wrapped in a thread