Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
173501-173520 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910commutateursLibrary for accessing commutateurs
151,8910concurrentlyConcurrently is a concurrency framework for Ruby and mruby based on fibers. With it cod...
151,8910dansguardianManage DansGuardian configuration from Ruby -- http:/dansguardian.org/
151,8910cellularSending and receiving SMSs through pluggable backends
151,8910epoch_apiRuby library to interact with 3poch
151,8910fakerjs-railsThis gem provides Faker.js for your Rails application
151,8910charismaDefine strategies for accessing and displaying a subset of your classes' attributes
151,8910detached_counter_cachecounter cache that lives in its own table
151,8910cases_up_and_downA words to give upcase and downcase
151,8910crossroadsjs-railsProvides Crossroads.js for use with Rails 3
151,8910aws-amiA tool for creating AWS AMI from a base AMI and an install packages script
151,8910csquare-castCAST parses C code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), lets you break it, then vomit it...
151,8910cwtestgenGenerates the Clockwork specific Cucumber testing environment
151,8910flat-ui-sassSASS conversion of Designmodo's Flat UI Free along with tools to convert Flat UI Pro
151,8910busser-serverspec-clcA Busser runner plugin for Serverspec
151,8910aor_bootstrapBootstrap CSS.
151,8910driskell-listenThe Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes. Works ...
151,8910capistrano-choiqueCapistrano extension to deploy Choique CMS
151,8910activerecord-lazyLazy creation for active record one-to-one associations
151,8910de_beersan example of jeweler work