Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174001-174020 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380ku-ldapA client for the Copenhagen University LDAP service.
89,5380motion-accessibilityAA RubyMotion wrapper around the UIAccessibility procotols
89,5380rfc-822-validatorImplementation of RFC-822
89,5380ncs_navigator_authorityThis is a shared library which consume Staff Portal's authorization API and provides gr...
89,5380marlinMarlin is highly available key-value storage. Supports both in memory storage and redis.
89,5380myfitnesspal_statsA module that replace Myfitnesspal's API. Get access to all of your stats & attribu...
89,5380nagaWrite a longer description or delete this line.
89,5380gem-consoleEasily add developer console support to your gems. Supports pry and irb.
89,5380kafka_notifierSends a message to kafka whenever an active record instance is created, updated and/or ...
89,5380liveslidesEmbed your websites live web content in presentations.
89,5380spina-conferences-primer_themeFrontend for Spina::Admin::Conferences plugin, based on Primer.
89,5380ruby-DTLThermodynamics Library gem
89,5380spacegridA basic, responsive grid layout to help you get started on your next project.
89,5380doterb_httpThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
89,5380myfirmata-plugin-ledA MyFirmata plugin to control 1 or more LEDs via a SimplePubSub subscription.
89,5380jbuilder-jpartialSimple DSL for faster partial rendering with Jbuilder
89,5380naive-searchProvides very simple full text searching for ActiveRecord, without depending on any par...
89,5380firstdraft_generatorsThis is a set of generators that help beginners learn to program. Primarily, they gener...
89,5380markdown2wikiConvert Markdown to Wiki format