Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175581-175600 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380rubytusResumable upload protocol implementation in Ruby
69,2380rails-assets-for-upyunRake task to push precompiled assets to Upyun
69,2380ruby_isAdds nice syntax for function definition
69,2380fluent-plugin-redshift-autoAmazon Redshift output plugin for Fluentd with creating table
69,2380sbformatFormats the rspec results beautifully in html
69,2380resource_setResource Set provides tools to aid in making API Clients. Such as URL resolving, Reques...
69,2380redis_utilsA library intended to take some of the pain out of Redis CRUD operations.
69,2380shoppersMuch longer explanation of the example!
69,2380innetra-acts_as_seekableSeekable (search) functionality for Rails applications
69,2380innetra-flow_paginationFlowPagination link renderer plugin for Mislav's WillPaginate plugin (Twitter like pagi...
69,2380gdax_clientClient library for GDAX (Global Digital Assest Exchange) REST API
69,2380nmap_service_dumperParses an Nmap XML file and dumps a directory structure to disk representing each liste...
69,2380mwhuss-recaptchaThis plugin adds helpers for the ReCAPTCHA API
69,2380otc-sdk-rubyRuby SDK which wraps the open telekom cloud API
69,2380spring-commands-rackupRackup command for Spring
69,2380podfile_generatorWrite a longer description or delete this line.
69,2380puts_debugAdds method pd (Puts Debugging) to Ruby. Defined in Kernel module which is included int...
69,2380mwilliams-fleakrA small, yet powerful, gem to interface with Flickr photostreams
69,2380mwunsch-octocatnapOctocatNap is a Ruby interface to the GitHub API v2. It is powered by Weary
69,2380local_gatewayA Local Gateway -developed by InSTEDD- implemented in Ruby for testing purposes.