Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
175541-175560 of all 180,379 gems.
136,6050capistrano-refinerycmsRecipes for installing RefineryCMS using Capistrano 3.x
136,6050uniq_tokenGenerate a unique, random token for Active Record.
136,6050thread-poolMulti-threaded Array subclass
136,6050vagrant-sparseimageA vagrant plugin to create a mount sparse images into the guest VM.
136,6050wda_clientminimal client for WebDriverAgent to help some operations
136,6050yannski-geokitGeokit Gem
136,6050code_nodeCreate Class and Module graphs for Ruby projects
136,6050vestal_versionsKeep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
136,6050catarse_compra_facilDo payments with MB
136,6050terminus_specTest framework for specifying tests (with Cucumber) and executing tests (with Watir or ...
136,6050use_js_pleaseThis gem creates a noscript partial and css styling to cover the whole page, to strongl...
136,6050thumbshooterThumbshooter creates thumbshots of websites using webkit and qt4.
136,6050befunge98[WIP] Probably the first Befunge-98 interpreter in Ruby
136,6050chime-api-libThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
136,6050union_bank-e_creditingGenerates file contents for UnionBank's eCrediting enrollment and transaction files.
136,6050triglav-agentAgent framework for triglav, data-driven workflow tool.
136,6050yipdw-after_commitA Ruby on Rails plugin to add an after_commit callback. This can be used to trigger thi...
136,6050xcpgigigoXcode Project to create basic directory structure
136,6050yoon-view_trailView trail tracks controller actions in Rails.