Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177601-177620 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830gcdIn mathematics, the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two or more integers, when at leas...
74,4830fuzzy_stringA ranking system for strings. The rank by itself is arbitrary and only has context ...
74,4830gem-party-hardDisable gem post installation messages and replaces them with PARTY HARD
74,4830gbarcode-plusA C extension that wraps the GNU Barcode project. For more Ruby-ish syntax, you should ...
74,4830funit-12FUnit is a unit testing framework for Fortran. Unit tests are written as Fortran fragm...
74,4830procuratorA gem that retrieves a page html and parse it containing tags.
74,4830fresh-auth# Fresh::Auth This gem makes it really, REALLY easy to use the Freshbooks API. It cou...
74,4830gitlab-grape-swaggerAdd auto generated documentation to your Grape API that can be displayed with Swagger.
74,4830get_around_ownerGetaround Owner API Wrapper
74,4830netprintA library to upload file to netprint
74,4830gemyUseful if you are a gem author: it eases testing your gem locally, and pushing it to Ru...
74,4830ginkel-calendar_date_selectCalendar date picker for rails; fork that allows disabling any date entry
74,4830git-crecordThis gem adds the git-crecord command. It provides a curses UI to stage/commit git-hunks.
74,4830genki-specific_installrubygems plugin that allows you you to install a gem from from its github repository (l...
74,4830ghazel-rpm_contribCommunity contributed instrumentation for various frameworks based on the New Relic Rub...
74,4830georgia_mailerGeorgia::Mailer works essentially with Georgia CMS to provide spam-free contact forms, ...
74,4830gem_with_extension_exampleThis gem is intended to function as a starting point for developing gems that contain C...
74,4830git-hookshotShare git hooks in Ruby projects among all the collaborators automatically, without the...
74,4830live_consoleA library to support adding an irb console to your running application.
74,4830gemverSimple gem to add latest gem version to your Gemfile without going to rubygems.org