Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177561-177580 of all 183,722 gems.
74,4840quaidTotal Recall for Mongoid
74,4840shibuiThe Heroku CSS styleguide.
74,4840random_utilThis is useful for creating random characters
74,4840capistrano-supervisorda capistrano recipe to deploy supervisord based services.
74,4840claissCLI application Toolbox to manage CLAISS AI applications and deployments. Some features...
74,4840chinguOpenGL accelerated 2D game framework for Ruby. Builds on Gosu (Ruby/C++) which provides...
74,4840shippingA general shipping module to find out the shipping prices via UPS or FedEx.
74,4840rang_railsrang give sexy KISS to your angular files
74,4840ClassBrowserClassBrowser is an interactive class browser that lets you view the current ObjectSpace...
74,4840vampireA Ruby implementation of the visitor pattern
74,4840rick-vladVlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...
74,4840class_profilerSimple class performance profiler with some metaprogramming alcohol
74,4840solutious-rudyRudy: Not your grandparents' EC2 deployment tool.
74,4840gem-checkoutUses gem's metadata or version to work out which commit to checkout
74,4840circleci-build-reportExport build data for a given project and branch on CircleCI in CSV format
74,4840classy-yamlRails helper to allow yaml configuration of utility css classes
74,4840sayso-kaminariKaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated pag...
74,4840cindyA lightweight and flexible Ruby SDK for Sendy, a self-hosted email newsletter app.
74,4840syllabs-apiSyllabs develops advanced technologies for semantic analysis of text content.
74,4840gitorious-munin-pluginsA binary that can be used as Munin plugins for a Gitorious server by linking to it unde...