Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177901-177920 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730partygoer-clientUses faye to keep keep a local copy of the queue at the server specified
73,9730eipmapEipmap is a tool to manage Elastic IP Addresses (EIP). It defines the state of EIP usin...
73,9730pacctA C extension library for parsing accounting files in acct(5) format
73,9730oats_agentWith this gem OATS can start in agent mode in the background so that it can communicate...
73,9730blacksmith-jsbuild js library, extensions with blacksmith
73,9730ey_instance_api_clientUsed by snapshots and services (was going to be used by backups)
73,9730dynamic_menuDynamic_menu is a gem aimed at making menus more DRY with inheritance
73,9730bellejsBetter Object Oriented Javascript Transpiler
73,9730hazelHazel is a generator for Sinatra apps, heavily based on snfn
73,9730pauldix-ruby-gmailA Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need. Search, read and send m...
73,9730zenrazenra-ize some text.
73,9730http_url_validation_improveda Rails gem that allows you to validate a URL entered in a form. It validates if the U...
73,9730ottraOne Translator (gem) To Rule (them) All! Uses various translation gems to do language ...
73,9730natural_keyActiveRecord.create_or_update based on a user-defined natural-key
73,9730therapyTherapy is a command line tool to help you interact with GitHub issues. Also supports o...
73,9730vagrant-openstack-pluginEnables Vagrant to manage machines in OpenStack Cloud.
73,9730zeus-apiThis gem implements a wrapper to the SOAP control API provided by Zeus Load Balancer (Z...
73,9730guard-rake-vagrantguard-rake-vagrant runs rake tasks from Rakefile automatically but first provisioning a...
73,9730grape_resourceGrapeResource is opinionated resource generator for your Grape API mounted inside Rails