Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
177921-177940 of all 182,229 gems.
66,1540openapi-rswagGenerate beautiful API documentation, including a UI to explore and test operations, di...
66,1540omniauth-identity2Internal authentication handlers for OmniAuth. A modern version of the Omniauth Identit...
66,1540waves-stableOpen-source framework for building Ruby-based Web applications.
66,1540omah_searchSearches the email headers from the Offine Mail Helper (OMAH) database generated by the...
66,1540oexrwrapperAPI wrapper to retrieve currency exchange rates from OpenExchangeRates.org. API Key nee...
66,1540omniauth-humanidomniauth-humanid is an omniauth strategy for humanID, a company that provides bot-adver...
66,1540omniauth-outsetaEnables the use of Outseta as an authentication provider in combination with Devise and...
66,1540omniauth-wild-apricotA WildApricot OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.x. This allows you to login to WildApricot...
66,1540ocpiOffers a standard interface for OCPI roaming services for EV, charging locations and pr...
66,1540tablGem for creating tables in Rails or any other system.
66,1540mm-embeddableFor query minimization purposes in MongoDB it is useful to provide a few key properties...
66,1540ftdicFTDIC is a wrapper for the libftdi library. Libftdi is a library for communicating wit...
66,1540funfxFunctional testing for Flex
66,1540hopsoft-acts-as-lookupPowerful lookup table behavior added to ActiveRecord.
66,1540galetahub-active_presenterActivePresenter is the presenter library you already know! (...if you know ActiveRecord)
66,1540brevis-imapWith this engine Brevis is able to connect with a imap server to manage the mails.
66,1540omniauth-mydigipassOmniAuth strategy for MYDIGIPASS.COM, which can be used for sandbox or production
66,1540eymiha_mathEymiha basic math extensions
66,1540maltMalt provides a factory framework for rendering a variety of template and markup docume...
66,1540opencv-colorOpenCV is a great library for writing Computer Vision software, However, OpenCV's HSV f...