Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181781-181800 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830xig_installerInstaller for net-irc example irc gateways
74,4830each_batchedActiveRecord::Batches#find_in_batches has some gotchas. This library provides alternat...
74,4830iugusdkSDK for Iugu Platform Applications
74,4830remember_the_meetingGem that integrates against Exchange server and notifies you 15 minutes before meetings...
74,4830righttpA HTTP client library written from scratch that is easy to use and offers full flexibility
74,4830rack-oauth2_utilsSimple Rack middleware that catches OAuth2 access tokens and validates identity
74,4830validates_captchaA captcha verification approach for Rails apps, directly integrated into ActiveRecord’s...
74,4830metal-archivesmetal-archives provides an interface to search for album releases for a specific year, ...
74,4830graybookGraybook is used to import email contact lists from popular webmail sites. Currently su...
74,4830vlad-helpersSome custom Vlad tasks making non-rails and non-SCM-accessible projects deployable.
74,4830pompompomRuby dependency manager for Maven repository artifacts
74,4830ruby-svdSingular Value Decomposition with no dependency on GSL or LAPACK
74,4830websnapshotThis gem provide you with the following features: blah blah blah
74,4830goferGofer provides a flexible and reliable model for performing tasks on remote server usin...
74,4830easyxdm-railsAdd easyXDM to your app.
74,4830groopbuyrruby wrapper for the GroopBuy API
74,4830sinatra-trailsA named routes Sinatra DSL inspired by Rails routing
74,4830merb-breadcrumbsA simple merb plugin to assist in breadcumbing
74,4830hoptoad_handlerChef handler for sending exceptions to Hoptoad
74,4830smagacorSmagacor is a collection of some small games, like TicTacToe and Pong. Adding new games...