Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181801-181820 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830snoobySnooby wraps the reddit API in happy, convenient Ruby.
74,4830jekyll-svg-pluginA plugin for adding an SVG liquid tag to Jekyll. This tag expands and SVG reference to ...
74,4830workedWorked is really the simplest time recording (or tracking, whatever term you prefer) ap...
74,4830SciMed-bjForked ahoward/bj because the way the bin/bj before_run method interacts with Main's lo...
74,4830eletroEletric Stuff, Ohm Law, Resistor Colors, Karnaugh Maps and other gems on Ruby
74,4830moonwalkairMoonwalkair help you to start build your AIR app and make it walk in the right way. The...
74,4830httpi-ntlmHTTPI provides a common interface for Ruby HTTP libraries.
74,4830david-merb_cucumberCucumber integration for Merb
74,4830davidrichards-tegu_labsCollaboration tool for analytical work: project notes, log, repositories, roles, and pa...
74,4830dawanda-dawanda_clientProvides a friendly ruby-like interface to the DaWanda API
74,4830dbourguignon-isaacSmall DSL for writing IRC bots.
74,4830projectdx_pipelineCommon pipeline tasks and libraries to be used for all components of the ProjectDX plat...
74,4830rspec-performancerspec-performance adds a couple of utility methods for unit testing performance
74,4830wcfrestcontribThe WCF REST Contrib library adds functionality to the current .NET WCF REST implementa...
74,4830motion-calabashThis linkes-in calabash for iOS
74,4830activerecord-informix-adapterActive Record adapter for connecting to an IBM Informix database
74,4830portfolioA really straightforward open source Ruby on Rails portfolio plugin designed for integr...
74,4830jadeJade is a high performance template engine heavily influenced by Haml and implemented w...
74,4830rememberQuick hack to build quick persistence between application instances
74,4830gwt_rpcSpider Google Web Toolkit sites using ruby