Daily Downloads Ranking
Most downloads last day.
182561-182580 of all 183,445 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
67,808 | 0 | cloudstack_helper | cloudstack_helper is a simple ruby library that helps making request to CloudStack API ... |
67,808 | 0 | fluent-plugin-dynamodb-drc | Amazon DynamoDB output plugin for Fluent event collector |
67,808 | 0 | foreman_host_rundeck | Plugin to create rundeck output for hosts. |
67,808 | 0 | roulette | Super easy pre-sharding for your ruby NOSQL store. Presharding is used to naively scale... |
67,808 | 0 | robodog | Fredwina the Farmer's robotic sheep dog simulator, used for the shock and awe showcase. |
67,808 | 0 | activerecord-jdbcphoenix-adapter | Phoenix SQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails. |
67,808 | 0 | activerecord-search | a lightweight search-engine using ActiveRecord |
67,808 | 0 | best_debugger | pry-rails, pry-byebug, better_errors, binding_of_caller all wrapped in one! |
67,808 | 0 | enigma_encrypto | Encryption, Decryption and Crack engine. |
67,808 | 0 | uva-tools | Set of UVa Online tools |
67,808 | 0 | swissparser | Simple DSL to define parser for flat files formats common in biofinformatics, such as S... |
67,808 | 0 | capistrano-scalr | Capistrano recipes for deploying to Scalr |
67,808 | 0 | chubas-peeping | Add, remove and manage hooks for class, instance and singleton method calls. Intended t... |
67,808 | 0 | chrislloyd-awesome_nested_set | An awesome replacement for acts_as_nested_set and better_nested_set. |
67,808 | 0 | client_side_validations-formtastic | Formtastic Plugin for ClientSideValidaitons |
67,808 | 0 | christoph-buente-ruby-xtract | FFI wrapper for libxtract which is a simple, portable, lightweight library of audio fea... |
67,808 | 0 | rack-oauth2_utils | Simple Rack middleware that catches OAuth2 access tokens and validates identity |
67,808 | 0 | websnapshot | This gem provide you with the following features: blah blah blah |
67,808 | 0 | caramelize | With Caramelize you can migrate any wiki to git-based Gollum wiki repositories. |
67,808 | 0 | bucaneer | Bucaneer is a Ruby library which allows you to control your BusPirate bitbang modes (I2... |