Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182561-182580 of all 182,650 gems.
180,4460ruby-backuplonger description of your gem
180,4460iudex-async-httpclientIudex is a general purpose web crawler and feed processor in ruby/java. This gem is an ...
180,4460rfid4rAn RFID middleware using a Ruby wrapper for the PhidgetRFID-1023 reader.
180,4460benhutton-facebooker2Facebook Connect integration library for ruby and rails (for Rspec2 + Rails3)
180,4460maven_irb_pluginPlugin reads the pom.xml file in your current directory and loads your project dependen...
180,4460glassfishGlassFish gem is an embedded GlassFish V3 application server which ...
180,4460smash_and_grabTurn-based isometric heist game
180,4460rolloutbrFeature flippers with redis.
180,4460cmor_seo_frontendCmor::Seo::Frontend Module.
180,4460cocaine-frameworkCocaine Framework is a framework for simplifying development both server-side and clien...
180,4460contextualized_logsOnline logging solution (like [Datadog](https://www.datadoghq.com)) have drastically tr...
180,4460couchbase-columnarThis library implements protocol and high level API for accessing Couchbase Columnar da...
180,4460opengl3An OpenGL wrapper library for Ruby (OpenGL 2.1-4.2)
180,4460jruby-akka_jarsContains all the jar files for the Akka Microkernel
180,4460karsthammer-validates_captchaA captcha verification approach for Rails apps, directly integrated into ActiveRecord’s...
180,4460fanforce-testHelper gem for tests that need access to the local supercore-api
180,4460blacklight_google_analyticsAdds Google Analytics to Blacklight Rails application including event tracking.
180,4460fluent-plugin-splunk-ex-logentriesSplunk output plugin for Fluent event collector. It supports reconnecting on socket fa...
180,4460ecm_cmsCMS Module for active admin.
180,4460ripplrRipplr provides a lower barrier to entry for developers wishing to migrate to Riak. Rip...