Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183601-183620 of all 183,638 gems.
61,5540jieba_rbcppjieba binding for ruby
61,5540amp-coreAmp's required plugin, providing core functionality (such as repository detection and a...
61,5540statuscheck-exampleAn example status check plugin
61,5540thomlerRuby on Thomler
61,5540tilt-fsThe userspace file system based on Tilt.
61,5540vagrant-saveExport boxes to a boxserver on a remote machine using HTTP/PUT
61,5540virustotal_apiGem for VirusTotal.com API, supporting API V3
61,5540jekyll-config-variablesA Jekyll monkey-patch to allow you to use variables within your _config.yml file
61,5540ruboty-local_pstorepstore as Ruboty::Brains
61,5540rbrulesDeclare rule sets to check your objects against them later
61,5540dnsyncDNS Synchronizer between DNSimple and NSONE
61,5540dynamo_recordA simple DynamoDB ORM wrapper on top of aws-sdk v2
61,5540sfba_transit_apiSan Francisco Bay Area 511 Real-time Transit Data Services API
61,5540sluggable_mashrurA simple url slugging gem
61,5540the_data_role_block_slimadd data-role(@), data-block(@@) markers into your SLIM templates
61,5540dragonfly_pdfDragonfly PDF analysers and processors.
61,5540dizzyDependency Injection that won't make your head spin
61,5540equal_rights_for_hashGrants equal rights for Hash like other Ruby data structures: Arra...
61,5540scotchitRuns a lower bound confidence score on scotchit's whisky review archive to generate buy...
61,5540hola_dangerousA simple hello world gem