Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183661-183669 of all 183,669 gems.
51,2800firetruckThe official Ruby wrapper for Firetruck, a notification aggregation service
51,2800mousemouse is a rich, high level wrapper around OS X CGEvent APIs that allow programmatic ma...
51,2800puterA tool to quickly and easily provision virtual machine images and instances directly on...
51,2800type_stationA simple CMS that just works and can be bolted onto a rails app with easy.
51,2800fluent-plugin-azureeventhubsFluentd output plugin for Azure Event Hubs
51,2800forgeos_cmsForgeos Cms provide pages, blocks and other cms features
51,2800ra-bluepillBluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...
51,2800lambda-queuerA class atop sourcify and amqp which can queue stringified lambdas over RabbitMQ. It is...