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Tools to compare ActiveRecord entries with Cucumber tables
Ranking: 28,554 of 184,487
Downloads: 43,490
Ranking: 35,677 of 184,472
Downloads: 2
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1 | 2,587,986,982 | bundler |
10 | 1,011,350,820 | rake |
26 | 847,165,402 | rspec |
35 | 629,973,472 | activerecord |
62 | 513,241,112 | rubocop |
154 | 257,296,829 | faker |
268 | 147,467,516 | sqlite3 |
467 | 83,866,363 | cucumber |
680 | 67,400,415 | factory_girl |
991 | 40,926,637 | rspec-collection_matchers |
1,774 | 14,280,875 | coveralls |
11,711 | 186,967 | cucumber_lint |
43,372 | 25,016 | mortadella |
50,015 | 20,592 | kappamaki |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | kevgo |