Kevgo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,45953,556modularity-railsMakes the modularity.js framework available to Ruby on Rails applications.
216,56386,038posePose ('Polymorphic Search') allows fulltext search for ActiveRecord objects.
316,76042,025sections_railsSections_rails adds infrastructure to the view layer of Ruby on Rails. It allows to def...
428,29986,038active_cucumberTools to compare ActiveRecord entries with Cucumber tables
533,96324,968slender_dataProvides simple and extensible data management services to JavaScript applications.
643,01286,038mortadellaA tool to create Ruby table object to be used for Cucumber comparisons
747,05053,556straidesA more convenient way to return different HTTP status codes from Rails.
850,34716,361kappamakiKappamaki is a collection of string manipulation methods that make parsing high-lev...
958,36586,038flmsA CMS for web pages that use interactive layers to present animated content.
1063,57753,556asynchronizerPlugin for the asset pipeline.
11129,70186,038asynchronizer-railsPlugin for the asset pipeline.
12134,99286,038securailsRails has a security flaw: All attributes are writable by default. ...
13138,00486,038modularity-coffee-railsMakes the modularity-coffee framework available to Ruby on Rails applications.