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Microsoft Azure Client Library for Ruby
Ranking: 2,901 of 184,458
Downloads: 4,585,039
Ranking: 4,449 of 184,451
Downloads: 970
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
4,187 | 1,842,976 | fluent-plugin-azurestorage |
8,731 | 340,118 | paperclip-azure |
10,153 | 247,744 | fog-azure |
20,105 | 72,153 | logstash-input-azureeventhub |
29,984 | 40,631 | bi-frost |
30,767 | 39,261 | azure-contrib |
31,667 | 37,836 | carrierwave-azure |
32,978 | 35,785 | condo |
39,174 | 28,480 | logstash-input-azuretopicthreadable |
47,301 | 22,228 | kontena-plugin-azure |
56,338 | 17,524 | sitefull-cloud |
64,679 | 14,518 | logstash-input-azuretopic |
69,336 | 13,121 | jellyfish-fog |
71,058 | 12,647 | delayed_job_azure |
74,334 | 11,813 | azure_client |
74,751 | 11,719 | logstash-input-azurewadeventhub |
74,832 | 11,702 | logstash-output-azure |
92,870 | 8,305 | azure-sas |
92,964 | 8,292 | jellyfish-azure |
123,997 | 4,783 | carrierwave-azure-blob |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
10 | 1,010,141,484 | rake |
19 | 949,604,107 | minitest |
20 | 938,594,473 | nokogiri |
21 | 926,725,832 | faraday |
22 | 915,253,600 | addressable |
24 | 875,591,377 | thor |
30 | 768,697,681 | mime-types |
90 | 392,701,587 | dotenv |
100 | 365,232,376 | faraday_middleware |
180 | 218,461,686 | timecop |
227 | 167,797,930 | yard |
310 | 123,141,511 | vcr |
420 | 91,557,760 | systemu |
647 | 71,583,725 | mocha |
1,008 | 39,208,432 | minitest-reporters |
1,777 | 14,091,829 | azure-core |