Cardmagic's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8643,392azureMicrosoft Azure Client Library for Ruby
24,2476,025simple-rssA simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby. It is designe...
35,05721,627classifierA general classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications.
47,17111,358datamapperFaster, Better, Simpler.
510,04061,367creditcardThese functions tell you whether a credit card number is self-consistent using known al...
610,05911,358contactsA universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including...
710,39641, CLI
817,28261,367shippingA general shipping module to find out the shipping prices via UPS or FedEx.
940,20461,367rails_datamapperRails Plugin for DataMapper
1041,78561,367starfishStarfish is a utility to make distributed programming ridiculously easy.
1147,14361,367fig2coreosConvert fig to coreos formatted configuration files
1254,36433,893paymentThese functions tell you whether a credit card number is self-consistent using know...
1357,40361,367cloudenv-hqKeep your ENV vars synced between your team members.
1460,81061,367buildingBuild a Docker container for any app using Heroku Buildpacks
1562,64725,716phpfog-fogThe Ruby cloud services library.
1663,03161,367cardmagic-etsyA friendly Ruby interface to the Etsy API
1764,92561,367cardmagic-sumoA no-hassle way to launch one-off EC2 instances from the command line
1881,77361,367unitsA general way to add units and conversion ability to numbers in Ruby.
1984,06261,367copypasteCopyPaste provides rcopy, rcut, rpaste unix tools that interact with a central queue se...
2090,53961,367applescriptA simple AppleScript wrapper for Ruby.
21164,12961,367cardmagic-omniauth-appleOmniAuth strategy for Sign In with Apple
22165,35961,367hl7-exporterA simple library to export messages from the ruby-hl7 gem
23180,94261,367kamalxkamalx wraps the kamal deploy tool to make it more user-friendly and easier to watch an...