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This is an experimental branch that implements a connection pool of
Net::HTTP objects instead of a connection/thread. C/T is fine if
you're only using your http threads to make connections but if you
use them in child threads then I suspect you will have a thread memory
leak. Also, I want to see if I get less connection resets if the
most recently used connection is always returned.
Also added a :force_retry option that if set to true will retry POST
requests as well as idempotent requests.
This branch is currently incompatible with the master branch in the
following ways:
* It doesn't allow you to recreate the Net::HTTP::Persistent object
on the fly. This is possible in the master version since all the
data is kept in thread local storage. For this version, you should
probably create a class instance of the object and use that in your
instance methods.
* It uses a hash in the initialize method. This was easier for me
as I use a HashWithIndifferentAccess created from a YAML file to
define my options. This should probably be modified to check the
arguments to achieve backwards compatibility.
* The method shutdown is unimplemented as I wasn't sure how I should
implement it and I don't need it as I do a graceful shutdown from
nginx to finish up my connections.
For connection issues, I completely recreate a new Net::HTTP instance.
I was running into an issue which I suspect is a JRuby bug where an
SSL connection that times out would leave the ssl context in a frozen
state which would then make that connection unusable so each time that
thread handled a connection a 500 error with the exception "TypeError:
can't modify frozen". I think Joseph West's fork resolves this issue
but I'm paranoid so I recreate the object.
Compatibility with the master version could probably be achieved by
creating a Strategy wrapper class for GenePool and a separate strategy
class with the connection/thread implementation.
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