1 | 1,929 | 2,084 | gene_pool | Threadsafe, performant library for managing pools of resources, such as connections. |
2 | 2,371 | 3,245 | persistent_http | Persistent HTTP connections using a connection pool |
3 | 9,497 | 6,352 | data_seeder | Provides a simple methodology for seeding your Rails database |
4 | 16,905 | 17,626 | modern_times | Generic asynchronous task library |
5 | 23,985 | 24,135 | rumx | A Ruby version of JMX |
6 | 29,562 | 147,291 | capchef | Chef capistrano recipes so you can configure your machines without a server |
7 | 42,557 | 107,887 | jruby-activemq | Client jars from apache-activemq distribution |
8 | 43,133 | 60,549 | ruby_nsq | Ruby client for the NSQ realtime message processing system |
9 | 45,556 | 28,212 | qwirk | Library for performing background tasks as well as asynchronous and parallel RPC calls |
10 | 49,489 | 47,929 | ruminate | Simple process for generating munin plugins to monitor your Rails application |
11 | 62,330 | 40,267 | qwirk_active_mq_adapter | Provides an ActiveMQ adapter as a communication interface for the qwirk library |
12 | 77,415 | 47,929 | qwirk_jms_adapter | Provides a JMS adapter as a communication interface for the qwirk library |
13 | 112,959 | 147,291 | bpardee-net-http-persistent | This is an experimental branch that implements a connection pool of
Net::HTTP objects ... |