Categories: None [Edit]
something like dictionary, wiki, or information card
Ranking: 16,174 of 184,132
Downloads: 101,925
Ranking: 37,743 of 184,122
Downloads: 1
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1 | 2,539,145,716 | bundler |
7 | 1,032,114,073 | activesupport |
10 | 995,726,846 | rake |
26 | 838,510,769 | rspec |
68 | 485,638,100 | pry |
105 | 348,906,104 | httparty |
124 | 291,118,659 | sinatra |
227 | 164,170,862 | haml |
401 | 96,420,007 | redcarpet |
978 | 40,678,763 | mongoid |
1,223 | 29,303,792 | sinatra-contrib |
2,599 | 5,776,403 | shotgun |
3,948 | 2,117,147 | will_paginate_mongoid |
5,336 | 1,021,175 | mongoid-geospatial |
6,325 | 670,074 | mongoid-simple-tags |
25,212 | 51,570 | mongoid_auto_increment_id |
134,424 | 4,176 | rack-gzip-file |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | tily |