Categories: Web Frameworks [Edit]
Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.
Ranking: 124 of 184,150
Downloads: 291,250,741
Ranking: 241 of 184,132
Downloads: 132,082
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
53 | 543,846,595 | excon |
135 | 269,123,747 | capybara |
333 | 113,561,858 | faraday-cookie_jar |
341 | 110,199,274 | eye |
429 | 88,453,353 | capybara-screenshot |
891 | 45,226,779 | resque |
942 | 42,678,524 | sendgrid-ruby |
975 | 40,738,269 | vegas |
1,055 | 35,867,546 | poltergeist |
1,223 | 29,314,087 | sinatra-contrib |
1,312 | 26,443,431 | sidekiq-failures |
1,578 | 18,095,739 | sidekiq-status |
1,816 | 13,104,457 | intercom-rails |
1,849 | 12,279,353 | rspec-html-matchers |
1,979 | 10,458,863 | avro_turf |
2,098 | 9,045,672 | sinatra-activerecord |
2,111 | 8,848,108 | rspec_api_documentation |
2,141 | 8,585,336 | capybara-webkit |
2,190 | 8,292,258 | rack-livereload |
2,210 | 8,097,926 | mailcatcher |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
9 | 1,015,767,171 | rack |
36 | 615,994,630 | tilt |
88 | 401,772,447 | rack-protection |
173 | 219,364,845 | mustermann |
700 | 63,990,045 | logger |
865 | 47,628,520 | rack-session |