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Dependabot-Bundler provides support for bumping Ruby (bundler) gems via Dependabot. If you want support for multiple package managers, you probably want the meta-gem dependabot-omnibus.
Ranking: 3,174 of 184,426
Downloads: 3,700,677
Ranking: 930 of 184,403
Downloads: 25,473
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
3,069 | 4,034,790 | dependabot-omnibus |
116,153 | 5,530 | friday |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
10 | 1,007,780,011 | rake |
26 | 845,063,514 | rspec |
51 | 557,707,228 | parallel |
62 | 510,743,302 | rubocop |
99 | 368,406,327 | simplecov |
116 | 312,495,381 | webrick |
119 | 305,895,668 | webmock |
195 | 200,282,616 | rubocop-performance |
196 | 199,968,044 | rubocop-rspec |
310 | 122,860,619 | vcr |
440 | 86,189,306 | rspec-its |
821 | 52,830,346 | debug |
923 | 43,882,948 | gpgme |
1,668 | 16,366,329 | rubocop-sorbet |
2,774 | 5,056,708 | rspec-sorbet |
2,967 | 4,351,945 | dependabot-common |
4,436 | 1,587,291 | turbo_tests |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | dependabot |