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Dependabot-Common provides the shared code used across Dependabot. If you want support for multiple package managers, you probably want the meta-gem dependabot-omnibus.
Ranking: 3,074 of 184,163
Downloads: 3,933,969
Ranking: 1,454 of 184,148
Downloads: 19,703
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
3,176 | 3,617,371 | dependabot-omnibus |
3,189 | 3,588,259 | dependabot-terraform |
3,195 | 3,560,781 | dependabot-docker |
3,201 | 3,547,365 | dependabot-git_submodules |
3,204 | 3,536,224 | dependabot-python |
3,209 | 3,525,381 | dependabot-nuget |
3,211 | 3,522,285 | dependabot-cargo |
3,213 | 3,516,902 | dependabot-elm |
3,217 | 3,505,126 | dependabot-gradle |
3,223 | 3,497,378 | dependabot-maven |
3,247 | 3,428,090 | dependabot-go_modules |
3,261 | 3,385,103 | dependabot-hex |
3,263 | 3,380,751 | dependabot-composer |
3,270 | 3,368,667 | dependabot-npm_and_yarn |
3,305 | 3,284,923 | dependabot-bundler |
3,862 | 2,266,443 | dependabot-github_actions |
4,002 | 2,036,837 | dependabot-dep |
5,295 | 1,045,284 | dependabot-pub |
6,963 | 533,697 | dependabot-swift |
7,379 | 467,907 | dependabot-devcontainers |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1 | 2,543,448,884 | bundler |
10 | 997,150,927 | rake |
17 | 959,125,376 | json |
20 | 921,628,738 | nokogiri |
21 | 913,931,669 | faraday |
26 | 839,268,640 | rspec |
49 | 558,003,579 | parser |
53 | 544,225,410 | excon |
62 | 503,190,931 | rubocop |
99 | 364,353,051 | simplecov |
118 | 306,479,178 | webrick |
120 | 302,006,210 | webmock |
126 | 285,141,107 | octokit |
173 | 219,673,201 | faraday-retry |
195 | 196,505,657 | rubocop-rspec |
196 | 196,112,489 | rubocop-performance |
309 | 121,720,889 | vcr |
393 | 97,812,258 | stackprof |
408 | 93,900,166 | aws-sdk-ecr |
415 | 91,122,143 | psych |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | dependabot |