Categories: None [Edit]
Compares two XML Nodes (Documents, etc.) for certain semantic equivalencies.
Currently written for Nokogiri, but with an eye toward supporting multiple XML libraries
Ranking: 2,543 of 184,150
Downloads: 6,094,636
Ranking: 2,449 of 184,132
Downloads: 3,494
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
409 | 93,413,257 | twilio-ruby |
1,666 | 16,022,230 | slather |
1,982 | 10,424,937 | roxml |
4,114 | 1,900,704 | active-fedora |
4,589 | 1,450,471 | blacklight |
6,096 | 735,481 | rdf-microdata |
6,485 | 637,444 | jenkins_pipeline_builder |
6,572 | 619,379 | rdf-reasoner |
6,783 | 571,734 | isodoc |
7,119 | 507,638 | metanorma-standoc |
7,304 | 479,248 | dor-services |
7,689 | 448,433 | om |
7,823 | 430,047 | metanorma |
8,237 | 380,697 | metanorma-iso |
8,379 | 366,840 | html2doc |
8,480 | 357,869 | rubydora |
9,132 | 307,771 | nom-xml |
9,231 | 300,254 | metanorma-ogc |
9,422 | 287,542 | metanorma-itu |
9,743 | 267,488 | metanorma-iec |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | mbklein |