Categories: None [Edit]
It exposes `/globalize/translations.json` with JSON of all translations in the app
Ranking: 21,950 of 184,512
Downloads: 63,309
Ranking: 32,525 of 184,502
Downloads: 1
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
6 | 1,074,774,509 | i18n |
16 | 975,971,834 | json |
26 | 847,554,731 | rspec |
41 | 596,228,369 | rails |
89 | 403,182,980 | rb-fsevent |
93 | 390,453,663 | rb-inotify |
99 | 370,212,271 | simplecov |
105 | 355,558,662 | httparty |
117 | 313,706,409 | rspec-rails |
135 | 274,036,036 | capybara |
157 | 246,671,310 | awesome_print |
191 | 204,665,916 | shoulda-matchers |
229 | 166,581,111 | haml |
268 | 147,536,437 | sqlite3 |
313 | 121,822,838 | guard |
387 | 101,484,216 | guard-rspec |
775 | 58,024,980 | therubyracer |
838 | 51,358,445 | factory_girl_rails |
1,756 | 14,737,739 | simplecov-rcov |
3,131 | 3,889,245 | ya2yaml |