Pjg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,75419,502exvo-authSign in with Exvo account
217,84457,505exvo_helpersRuby gem providing various helper methods, like auth_host, auth_uri, cdn_host, etc.
318,54057,505exvo_warezAppend google analytics & chartbeat to the html pages
418,86622,984amfetamineProvides an interface to REST apis with objects and a cache. Zero effort!
521,94917,200exvo_globalizeIt exposes `/globalize/translations.json` with JSON of all translations in the app
639,35230,732exvo_authCollection of users and applications authentication methods for use when you want your ...
748,11657,505locale_detectorParses HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE http header and sets the I18n.locale based on that, if it's...
866,91057,505omniauth-exvoOmniAuth strategy for the Exvo platform.
967,35057,505simply_messagessimply_messages is a unified flash and error messages display solution
1096,78357,505ipinfodbFree IP address geolocation tools
11102,02857,505exvo-metricsMetrics wrapper for Exvo apps.
12153,34557,505factory_heroFactoryGirl replacement (proof of concept)