1 | 9,754 | 19,502 | exvo-auth | Sign in with Exvo account |
2 | 17,844 | 57,505 | exvo_helpers | Ruby gem providing various helper methods, like auth_host, auth_uri, cdn_host, etc. |
3 | 18,540 | 57,505 | exvo_warez | Append google analytics & chartbeat to the html pages |
4 | 18,866 | 22,984 | amfetamine | Provides an interface to REST apis with objects and a cache. Zero effort! |
5 | 21,949 | 17,200 | exvo_globalize | It exposes `/globalize/translations.json` with JSON of all translations in the app |
6 | 39,352 | 30,732 | exvo_auth | Collection of users and applications authentication methods for use when you want your ... |
7 | 48,116 | 57,505 | locale_detector | Parses HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE http header and sets the I18n.locale based on that, if it's... |
8 | 66,910 | 57,505 | omniauth-exvo | OmniAuth strategy for the Exvo platform. |
9 | 67,350 | 57,505 | simply_messages | simply_messages is a unified flash and error messages display solution |
10 | 96,783 | 57,505 | ipinfodb | Free IP address geolocation tools |
11 | 102,028 | 57,505 | exvo-metrics | Metrics wrapper for Exvo apps. |
12 | 153,345 | 57,505 | factory_hero | FactoryGirl replacement (proof of concept) |