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Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!
Ranking: 34,887 of 184,512
Downloads: 33,195
Ranking: 32,525 of 184,502
Downloads: 1
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
29,595 | 41,364 | pyrat-integrity-basecamp |
90,660 | 8,617 | hukl-integrity-jabber |
106,792 | 6,493 | defunkt-integrity-campfire |
109,334 | 6,215 | foca-integrity-email |
109,964 | 6,144 | hchoroomi-integrity-twitter |
140,415 | 3,878 | calavera-integrity-growl |
143,782 | 3,722 | cwsaylor-integrity-twitter |
144,527 | 3,691 | defunkt-integrity-email |
148,783 | 3,512 | jfcouture-integrity-jabber |
149,000 | 3,504 | mpilat-integrity-email |
149,366 | 3,491 | nakajima-integrity-twitter |
150,065 | 3,467 | jeremydurham-integrity-campfire |
150,684 | 3,448 | jhelwig-integrity-email |
151,124 | 3,433 | ph-integrity-jabber |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
16 | 975,971,834 | json |
24 | 877,211,701 | thor |
124 | 294,625,638 | sinatra |
229 | 166,581,111 | haml |
464 | 84,147,410 | uuidtools |
649 | 71,679,629 | mocha |
1,238 | 29,696,890 | bcrypt-ruby |
1,912 | 11,725,345 | rr |
3,093 | 3,995,949 | webrat |
3,851 | 2,332,436 | do_sqlite3 |
4,336 | 1,678,789 | data_mapper |
7,235 | 495,876 | ParseTree |
12,823 | 157,496 | dm-sweatshop |
50,943 | 20,058 | sinatra-authorization |
56,845 | 17,330 | jeremymcanally-context |
105,159 | 6,704 | jeremymcanally-matchy |
108,258 | 6,325 | foca-storyteller |
122,440 | 4,917 | jeremymcanally-pending |
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