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Automatically generate beautiful front-end style guides with Sass and Markdown. See for details.
Ranking: 8,573 of 184,458
Downloads: 354,951
Ranking: 11,231 of 184,451
Downloads: 90
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
6 | 1,072,697,719 | i18n |
10 | 1,010,141,484 | rake |
19 | 949,604,107 | minitest |
24 | 875,591,377 | thor |
36 | 623,492,001 | tilt |
62 | 512,383,265 | rubocop |
130 | 278,755,641 | erubis |
168 | 229,198,653 | coffee-script |
229 | 166,327,296 | haml |
235 | 161,837,738 | sassc |
402 | 97,722,168 | redcarpet |
908 | 44,936,048 | compass |
3,490 | 2,912,655 | scss-lint |
10,009 | 255,991 | minisyntax |
15,694 | 107,984 | heredoc_unindent |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | #2945 |