#2945's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,44163,432livingstyleguideAutomatically generate beautiful front-end style guides with Sass and Markdown. See htt...
29,86941,916minisyntaxA simple powerful syntax highlighter with minimal HTML output
325,99563,432lemonadeGenerates sprites on the fly by using `background: sprite-image("sprites/logo.png")`. N...
446,28519,893redgreengridRedGreenGred makes it easy for you to build cross-browser baseline grid layouts.
549,20463,432compass-placeholders@extendable %placeholders for common CSS3 code provided by Compass. For example use `@e...
657,38825,458quotation-marksAn easy to use mixin for quotation marks in Sass
787,05863,432github-badgeA 3d Github badge as Compass extension
891,42363,432git-startConnects Git with project management software
9116,13063,432styleguide-apiHelpers for a style guide API provider and consumer with Tilt templates
10123,87863,432css-flagsCountry flags made with pure CSS
11150,28463,432git-routinesConnects Git with project management software
12158,02163,432pimdPIMD will be the base for the JavaScript version of LivingStyleGuide – an API to extend...