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Ranking: 59 of 184,057
Downloads: 507,815,444
Ranking: 39 of 184,040
Downloads: 513,496
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
61 | 500,556,483 | rubocop |
459 | 83,023,585 | gli |
716 | 62,426,134 | sshkit |
997 | 39,339,289 | haml_lint |
1,208 | 29,582,274 | reek |
1,260 | 28,026,425 | pact-support |
1,270 | 27,702,423 | pact |
1,392 | 23,018,514 | undercover |
1,435 | 21,935,581 | i18n-tasks |
1,575 | 18,061,239 | gitlab_quality-test_tooling |
1,827 | 12,708,399 | pronto |
1,839 | 12,391,246 | rubycritic |
1,885 | 11,834,449 | erb_lint |
1,933 | 11,045,955 | parlour |
1,965 | 10,577,084 | react_on_rails |
2,236 | 7,897,458 | deface |
2,297 | 7,466,752 | cuke_modeler |
2,405 | 6,813,215 | httplog |
2,424 | 6,657,512 | gitlab-qa |
2,457 | 6,441,323 | next_rails |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1 | 2,531,432,907 | bundler |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | sickill | |
2 | ollejonsson |