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Agnostic and unobtrusive Rake tasks for managing and releasing Ruby Gems.
Ranking: 7,859 of 184,057
Downloads: 424,554
Ranking: 10,753 of 184,040
Downloads: 89
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
308 | 121,800,055 | ffi-compiler |
2,864 | 4,613,956 | contentful |
3,720 | 2,475,051 | waitutil |
4,350 | 1,632,022 | wheretz |
4,882 | 1,251,156 | gqli |
4,914 | 1,225,765 | rich_text_renderer |
5,421 | 980,285 | rprogram |
5,477 | 952,916 | yard-junk |
5,658 | 877,472 | albacore |
6,524 | 627,723 | rltk |
6,785 | 568,100 | colorls |
6,799 | 565,966 | carrierwave-video-thumbnailer |
6,936 | 537,532 | minitest-vcr |
6,984 | 528,582 | contentful_middleman |
7,217 | 489,060 | clocale |
8,773 | 330,236 | geo_coord |
8,927 | 318,750 | travis-packagecloud-ruby |
9,137 | 306,077 | sequel_secure_password |
9,295 | 294,758 | crossing |
9,296 | 294,652 | packagecloud-ruby |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | postmodern |