Postmodern's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1179156digest-crcAdds support for calculating Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) to the Digest module.
2370317bundler-auditbundler-audit provides patch-level verification for Bundled apps.
34,1109,865ffi-libcUseful Ruby FFI bindings for libc.
44,7113,523tdiffCalculates the differences between two tree-like structures. Similar to Rubys built-in ...
54,7503,510nokogiri-diffNokogiri::Diff adds the ability to calculate the differences (added or removed nodes) b...
65,42811,940rprogramRProgram is a library for creating wrappers around command-line programs. RProgram prov...
76,5007,774ruby-nmapA Ruby API to nmap, the exploration tool and security / port scanner. Allows automating...
87,62711,626rubygems-tasksAgnostic and unobtrusive Rake tasks for managing and releasing Ruby Gems.
97,8527,693ffi-hunspellRuby FFI bindings for the Hunspell spell checker.
108,29412,581spf-querySearch and retrieve SPF records for any number of hosts
118,6267,070spidrSpidr is a versatile Ruby web spidering library that can spider a site, multiple domain...
1211,2589,039uri-query_paramsAllows access to the query component of the URI as a Hash.
1311,2806,317hexdumpFully Featured and Fast hexdumping for Ruby.
1411,4198,392dmarcDMARC Record Parser
1511,81912,042ffi-bit_masksFFI plugin which adds support for bitmasked types (or flags) to FFI.
1612,96612,479combinatoricsA collection of modules and methods for performing Combinatoric calculations.
1713,56126,476envProvides a Ruby interface to common environment variables, used on Windows, Linux, BSD ...
1814,39567,578dm-visualizerDataMapper Visualizer is both a library and a command-line utility for visualizing the ...
1914,65934,962roninRonin is a free and Open Source Ruby toolkit for security research and development. Ron...
2014,74267,578dm-chunked_queryAllows performing chunked queries on DataMapper Models or Collections.
2114,8537,954command_mapperCommand Mapper maps an external command's arguments to Class attributes to allow safely...
2215,57114,877dkim-querySearch and retrieve DKIM records for any number of hosts
2315,66847,474rubyzip2rubyzip2 is a Ruby library for reading and writing Zip files. Unlike the official rubyz...
2417,24612,198net-http-serverA Rack compatible pure Ruby HTTP Server.
2517,92616,525parametersParameters allows you to add annotated variables to your classes which may have configu...
2618,23523,684ronin-supportronin-support is a support library for ronin-rb. ronin-support provides many Core Exten...
2718,25715,492oreOre is a fully configurable and extendable Ruby gem generator. With Ore you spend less ...
2820,32426,476yard-spellcheckAdds the 'spellcheck' command to YARD, which will spellcheck every docstring within you...
2921,26623,684hoe-yardA Hoe plugin for generating YARD documentation. Using the Hoe YARD plugin, projects ca...
3021,94767,578gscraperGScraper is a web-scraping interface to various Google Services.
3122,58721,623charsChars is a Ruby library for working with various character sets, recognizing text and g...
3224,24867,578ronin-genRonin Gen is a Ruby library for Ronin that provides various generators.
3326,35047,474sinatra-jsonsinatra/json extracted from sinatra-contrib.
3426,70967,578sketchesSketches allows you to create and edit Ruby code from the comfort of your editor, while...
3529,36120,071ore-tasksSimple Rake tasks for managing and releasing a RubyGem project generated with Ore.
3630,90030,856ronin-webronin-web is a Ruby library that provides common web security commands and additional l...
3732,65467,578contextifyContextify can load Ruby Objects containing methods and procs from Ruby files without h...
3832,99734,962ronin-exploitsronin-exploits is a Ruby micro-framework for writing and running exploits. ronin-exploi...
3933,60021,623open_namespaceOpenNamespace allows namespaces to require and find classes and modules from other Ruby...
4034,92567,578data_pathsDataPaths is a library to manage the paths of directories containing static-content acr...
4135,10267,578deploymlDeploYML is a simple deployment solution that uses a single YAML file, Git and SSH.
4235,11967,578ronin-sqlRonin SQL is a a Ruby DSL for crafting SQL Injections.
4336,39367,578dm-predefinedA DataMapper plugin for adding predefined resources to Models.
4437,21367,578ffi-msgpackRuby FFI bindings for the msgpack library.
4539,01547,474dm-is-read_onlyA DataMapper plugin for making models absolutely read-only.
4639,26823,684ore-exampleAn example / testing library using Ore and Ore::Tasks.
4741,00123,684command_kitA modular Ruby toolkit for building clean, correct, and robust CLI commands as plain-ol...
4841,60667,578repertoireR'epertoire is a Ruby library for quickly checking-out and updating code-bases from var...
4943,91421,623kramdown-manAllows you to write man pages for commands in pure Markdown and convert them to roff us...
5043,99267,578dm-is-authenticatableA DataMapper plugin for adding authentication and encrypted passwords to your DataMappe...
5144,02322,580ruby-yasmruby-yasm provides a Ruby interface to YASM assembler.
5244,74726,476ore-coreOre is a simple RubyGem building solution. Ore handles the creation of Gem::Specificati...
5345,36134,962wordlistWordlist is a Ruby library and CLI for reading, combining, mutating, and building wordl...
5445,54967,578ronin-scannersRonin Scanners is a Ruby library for Ronin that provides Ruby interfaces to various thi...
5546,58367,578reverse-requirereverse-require allows one to require files that ends with a specified path from other ...
5649,52867,578scandbScanDB is a library for importing and analyzing information generated by various networ...
5749,62867,578dm-is-predefinedA DataMapper plugin for adding predefined resources to Models.
5850,70112,279http-securityHTTP Security Header Parser
5952,24567,578pullrPullr is a Ruby library for quickly pulling down or updating any Repository. Pullr curr...
6053,17467,578rtranscoderA Rubyful interface to various transcoding utilities using the RProgram library. No mo...
6154,45567,578wsocThe Web Spider Obstacle Course (WSOC) is an example web server that tests the thoroughn...
6257,19267,578raingramsRaingrams is a flexible and general-purpose ngrams library written in Ruby. Raingrams s...
6358,44367,578ffi-udis86ffi-udis86 provides Ruby FFI bindings for the udis86, a x86 and x86-64 disassembler.
6458,58867,578ruby-sslyzeA ruby interface to the sslyze python utility
6558,70828,257multi_markdownmulti_markdown allows projects to use a wide variety of Markdown libraries, without hav...
6658,82367,578yard-dmOnce yard-dm is installed, YARD will automatically load the plugin when ever the `yardo...
6761,35367,578ronin-dorksRonin Dorks is a Ruby library for Ronin that provides support for various Google (tm) D...
6862,89439,685object_loaderObjectLoader can load Ruby Objects containing methods and procs from Ruby files without...
6971,61822,580ronin-dbronin-db is a database library for managing and querying security data. ronin-db provid...
7073,11321,623warningsWarnings provides a searchable and more readable Warning Message facility for Ruby. Wit...
7174,82967,578rpaste== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Supports posting and retrieving pastes from NoPaste. * Support...
7276,07467,578flv-dlDownloads or plays Flash Video (flv) files directly from web-pages.
7376,89167,578ffi-pcapBindings to libpcap via FFI interface in Ruby.
7482,37567,578ronin-phpRonin PHP is a Ruby library for Ronin that provides support for PHP related security ta...
7583,21823,684ronin-coreronin-core is a core library providing common functionality for all ronin libraries.
7683,66223,684ronin-db-activerecordronin-db-activerecord contains ActiveRecord models and migrations for the Ronin Databas...
7785,86167,578dm-is-counter_cacheableA DataMapper plugin for adding counter-cache properties to related models.
7886,15467,578yard-parametersyard-parameters is a plugin for YARD for parsing parameters.
7987,02267,578dm-types-legacydm-types-legacy is a collection of legacy data types for working with legacy databases ...
8087,21323,684fake_ioA mixin module for creating fake IO-like classes.
8188,24923,684ronin-payloadsronin-payloads is a Ruby micro-framework for writing and running exploit payloads. roni...
8288,71967,578dm-is-indexeddm-is-indexed overloads the Model[] method, and allows querying Resources using their i...
8388,90734,962mina-padrinoMina tasks for deploying padrino apps.
8489,02122,580ronin-vulnsronin-vulns is a Ruby library for blind vulnerability testing. It currently supports te...
8589,26318,428rubocop-roninrubocop-ronin is a set of common rubocop rules for the ronin-rb project. This is necess...
8693,17467,578shodan-rubyA Ruby interface to SHODAN, a computer search engine.
8793,96267,578reverserequirereverse_require requires specific files from the gems which depend on a certain RubyGem...
8894,71723,684ronin-reposronin-repos provides a repository system for installing, managing, and accessing third-...
8995,85367,578ronin-asmronin-asm is a Ruby DSL for crafting Assmebly programs and Shellcode.
9096,03067,578ffi-http-parserRuby FFI bindings to the http-parser library.
9196,86567,578ffi-extractorRuby FFI bindings to libextractor, a library for extracting metadata from a variety of ...
9297,29034,962ruby-masscanA Ruby interface to masscan, an Internet-scale port scanner. Allows automating masscan ...
9397,50826,476ronin-web-spiderronin-web-spider is a collection of common web spidering routines using the spidr gem.
9499,27928,257nokogiri-extA collection of useful extensions to the nokogiri gem.
9599,32334,962ronin-web-serverronin-web-server is a custom Ruby web server based on Sinatra tailored for security res...
96102,56623,684ronin-code-asmronin-code-asm is a Ruby DSL for crafting Assembly programs and shellcode.
97102,60723,684ronin-code-sqlronin-code-sql is a Ruby DSL for crafting SQL Injections.
98103,03623,684ronin-post_exronin-post_ex is a Ruby API for Post-Exploitation.
99103,96826,476ronin-web-user_agentsYet another User-Agent string generator library.
100107,88430,856ronin-fuzzerA Ruby library and CLI for generating, mutating, and fuzzing data. The goal of ronin-fu...
101115,59267,578cinch-commandsAllows defining multiple commands within a Cinch Plugin. Also provides a !help command ...
102118,82767,578yard-dm-is-predefinedyard-dm-predefined is a plugin for YARD for parsing dm-predefined methods.
103119,65867,578free-scrapeA web-scraping interface to, the open and shared database of the world's k...
104120,10467,578freescrapeA web-scraping interface to, the open and shared database of the world's k...
105120,62267,578scmSCM is a simple Ruby library for interacting with common SCMs, such as Git, Mercurial (...
10683,41967,419rubygems-pwnA Proof of Concept (PoC) exploit for an trivial Security vulnerability in how RubyGems ...
107121,80567,578dm-is-checksumedA DataMapper plugin which adds checksum properties to a Model, referencing other proper...
108122,63467,578yard-contextifyyard-contextify is a plugin for YARD for parsing contextified classes.
109124,24867,578yard-dm-predefinedyard-dm-predefined is a plugin for YARD for parsing dm-predefined methods.
110128,51867,578ripl-shell_commandsA ripl plugin that allows inline shell commands in the Ripl Shell.
111145,59428,257command_kit-completionAdds a rake task that generates shell completion rules for a command_kit CLI. The rake ...
112159,43667,578command_mapper-gencommand_mapper-gen parses a command's --help output and man-page, then generates the co...
113162,05534,962python-picklepython-pickle is a modern Ruby implementation of the Python Pickle serialization format...
114171,55367,578ruby-amassA Ruby interface to amass, an in-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery tool.
115172,52867,578ruby-ncrackA Ruby interface to Ncrack, Network authentication cracking tool.
116173,49567,578cve_schemaCVESchema provides common classes for CVE data and loading it from JSON.
117174,13067,578env_extenv_ext adds additional methods to ENV for common environment variables, used on Linux,...
118174,13967,578cvelistA Ruby library for parsing the CVE JSON in the cvelist git repository.
119174,44347,474nvd-json_feedsProvides a Ruby API to NVD JSON Feeds.
120174,91067,578ruby-niktoA Ruby interface to Nikto, the Web Server scanner.
121176,61730,856ronin-nmapronin-nmap is a Ruby library and CLI for working with nmap. ronin-nmap can parse nmap X...
122176,73830,856ronin-reconronin-recon is a micro-framework and tool for performing reconnaissance. ronin-recon us...
123176,92167,578ruby-gobusterA Ruby interface to gobuster, a tool used to bruteforce URIs, DNS, VHosts, S3.
124176,92834,962ronin-listener-httpronin-listener-http is a HTTP server for receiving exfiltrated data sent via HTTP reque...
125176,93134,962ronin-support-webronin-support-web is a web specific support library for ronin-rb. ronin-support-web pro...
126176,97267,578ruby-feroxbusterA Ruby interface to feroxbuster, a simple, fast, recursive content discovery tool writt...
127177,01167,578ruby-rustscanA Ruby interface to rustscan, the Modern Port Scanner.
128177,03834,962ronin-listenerronin-listener is a small CLI utility for receiving exfiltrated data over DNS or HTTP. ...
129177,15034,962ronin-masscanronin-masscan is a Ruby library and CLI for working with masscan. ronin-masscan can par...
130177,21834,962ronin-web-browserronin-web-browser is a Ruby library for automating the Chrome web browser. ronin-web-br...
131177,50330,856ronin-web-session_cookieronin-web-session_cookie is a library for parsing and deserializing various session coo...
132177,59834,962ronin-listener-dnsronin-listener-dns is a DNS server for receiving exfiltrated data sent via DNS queries....
133177,73334,962ronin-wordlistsronin-wordlists is a library and tool for managing wordlists. ronin-wordlists can insta...
134177,80234,962ronin-dns-proxyronin-dns-proxy is a configurable DNS proxy server library. It supports returning spoof...
135177,81134,962ronin-appronin-app is a small web application that is meant to be ran locally by the user. It pr...
136182,47367,578cisa-kevA simple Ruby library for parsing the CISA KEV (Known Exploited Vulnerabilities) catalog