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CLI dictionary created to help you to learn foreign languages.
Ranking: 47,869 of 184,524
Downloads: 21,884
Ranking: 129,735 of 184,512
Downloads: 0
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
40,144 | 27,642 | smartdict-gtk |
68,712 | 13,304 | smartdict |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1 | 2,592,310,532 | bundler |
7 | 1,050,208,635 | activesupport |
20 | 942,177,788 | nokogiri |
26 | 847,931,756 | rspec |
32 | 723,202,124 | builder |
68 | 493,942,332 | pry |
99 | 370,509,853 | simplecov |
119 | 307,981,810 | webmock |
227 | 168,298,446 | yard |
313 | 121,932,350 | guard |
387 | 101,582,527 | guard-rspec |
930 | 43,692,857 | rb-readline |
1,928 | 11,449,855 | configatron |
2,888 | 4,638,243 | aruba |
3,177 | 3,721,380 | dm-core |
3,351 | 3,271,362 | dm-migrations |
3,771 | 2,445,442 | dm-validations |
4,161 | 1,881,398 | jeweler |
4,349 | 1,666,182 | dm-sqlite-adapter |
4,602 | 1,466,448 | libnotify |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | greyblake |