Greyblake's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,25413,218ruby-soxWrapper around sox sound tool
211,8906,872pg_saurusActiveRecord extensions for PostgreSQL. Provides useful tools for schema, foreign_key, ...
315,83214,205pg_powerActiveRecord extensions for PostgreSQL. Provides useful tools for schema, foreign_key, ...
415,8488,414HornsAndHooves-moribusIntroduces Aggregated and Tracked behavior to ActiveRecord::Base models, as well as...
516,28310,620lazy_objectIt's an object wrapper that forwards all calls to the reference object. This object is ...
617,2638,694rails3_pg_deferred_constraintsRails 3 engine which provides a hack to avoid RI_ConstraintTrigger Error bug
719,4479,921HornsAndHooves-flat_mapThis library allows to map accessors and properties of deeply nested object graph t...
822,20516,657chromaprintA client-side library that implements a custom algorithm for extracting fingerprints fr...
922,32361,367dm-rspecRSpec matchers for DataMapper
1024,49061,367blogoMountable blog engine for Ruby on Rails. It allows you to quickly add a featured blog t...
1129,75633,893pdf_specThis library includes matchers that use Poppler and Cairo to render PDF files as im...
1236,54361,367ach_builderRuby tools for building ACH (Automated Clearing House) files
1339,85961,367smartdict-gtkGTK GUI for Smartdict dictionary
1440,44620,275magoProvides a command and API to detect magic numbers in ruby code
1547,13761,367gyncSynchronizes data of desktop applications using Git
1647,56561,367smartdict-coreCLI dictionary created to help you to learn foreign languages.
1748,54661,367fast_seederSpeeds up seeding database using multiple SQL inserts
1855,32361,367dm-enumEnumerated models for DataMapper to cache enumerated values in memory
1961,22361,367telebotRuby client for Telegram bot API
2068,37361,367smartdictSimple dictinionary written in Ruby
2173,86961,367themisFlexible and modular validations for ActiveRecord models
2287,49061,367rails_markdownAllows you to use markdown templates with placeholders in rails application
23102,44161,367smartdict-iconsIcons for Smartdict GUI application
24104,59361,367simple_shippingThis gem uses the APIs provided by UPS and FedEx to service various requests on beh...
25111,87361,367alisIn some cases alias UNIX command can't satisfy you. Alis allows you create more flexibl...
26121,23561,367audio_glueTool to assemble audio files from templates
27127,52261,367audio_glue-sox_adapterAudioGlue adapter based on sox command line tool
28130,97961,367twistedAnother twitter bot for massfollowing
29134,34061,367vocalwareRuby client for Vocalware REST API
30137,70961,367rails-audio_glueRails-AudioGlue is an audio template engine (aka ERB/HAML for sounds)
31146,43641,086moribusIntroduces Aggregated and Tracked behavior to ActiveRecord::Base models, as well as...
32156,10161,367tokiponaTools to process Toki Pona language