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Autoinstallation and PXE management for Redhat/CentOS based system deployment.
Ranking: 113,275 of 184,487
Downloads: 5,830
Ranking: 28,543 of 184,472
Downloads: 3
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1 | 2,587,986,982 | bundler |
10 | 1,011,350,820 | rake |
19 | 950,724,365 | minitest |
37 | 623,437,681 | rack-test |
92 | 391,077,793 | rest-client |
99 | 369,941,717 | simplecov |
115 | 314,451,273 | webrick |
124 | 294,458,665 | sinatra |
152 | 258,217,252 | highline |
227 | 168,042,997 | yard |
268 | 147,467,516 | sqlite3 |
753 | 59,956,105 | mixlib-config |
1,774 | 14,280,875 | coveralls |
16,568 | 98,529 | minitest-debugger |
20,909 | 68,043 | minitest-given |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | rlyon |